Manufacturers need to automate AR to remain competitive.

Manufacturers utilize the most advanced technologies on the manufacturing floor, yet their back-office operations remains manual and rely on outdated financial tools.

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Manufacturers utilize the most advanced technologies on the manufacturing floor, yet their back-office operations remains manual and rely on outdated financial tools.

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High invoicing volume requires a scalable back-office AR function

Accounting processes in manufacturing and distribution firms have traditionally involved manual work with large volumes of paper, including bank reconciliation. In an industry with tight profit margins, effective cash management is crucial. Revenues can be significantly undermined by payment issues, delayed exception resolution, and labor-intensive accounts receivable practices.

Levers addresses these challenges by streamlining payment acceptance, accelerating exception resolution, and automating bank reconciliation with high accuracy. This helps ensure your revenue is protected and your financial processes are more efficient.

Explore Levers

Example businesses that benefit from Levers:

Electronics manufacturing
Food and beverage
Textile and apparel
Machinery and equipment
Building materials
Metal and mineral
Plastic and rubber