Recurring billing, payments, and collection on auto pilot.

SaaS companies face receivables challenges due to recurring subscription payments, frequent disputes, and high invoice volumes. These issues disrupt cash flow, increase administrative burdens, and complicate payment reconciliation, impacting profitability.

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Construction companies face challenges in receivables collection due to long payment processes, frequent delivery disputes, and high invoice volumes, leading to cash flow issues and complications in milestone-based payments.

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Recurring billing requires a streamlined invoicing and accounting back-office

Software startups often issue hundreds of recurring invoices manually leading to increased manual work, billing mistakes, and reconciliation issues, especially when payments are processed via wire transfers.

With Levers, you can automatically issue recurring invoices, follow up on due invoices, collect payments online, and reconcile with your accounting system.

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Example businesses that benefit from Levers:

Software as a service
Subscription boxes
Fitness memberships
Subscription meal plans
Engineering firms
Telecommunications Services